Simple python tool using mutagen library, which cleans a large set of mp3 files tags (tested on 10k+ files). Especially usefull for fixing invalid
charset encoding, removing diacritics (AFAIK this is the only tool that can remove diacritics in ID3 tags), and deleting unwanted tags (can define which tags should be kept).
Options are set via command line or configuration file (contains useful module, that provides unified interface to both conf. file
and cmd line options).
Usage: [options] [music_dir1] [music_dir2] ...
Configuration file
--merge_TPE2 Merge TPE2 to TPE1, if TPE1 is not present
-d DELETE_TAGS, --delete_tags=DELETE_TAGS
Delete these frames from file
-k KEEP_TAGS, --keep_tags=KEEP_TAGS
Keep only these frames in file
-e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING
Non-standard encoding of text frames (will be
converted to unicode
-1, --keep_v1 Keeps v1 tags
--debug Prints debugging messages
--remove_diacritics Remove diacritic from latin alphabet
--remove_empty Remove empty text frames from tag
--help_tags Print list of all valid ID3 2.4 frames IDs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Download source from lauchpad.