Here are sources for some samples I've done, when I was learning some
.NET concepts. They probably don't worst much, unless you are particularly
interested in some concepts that were used in the examples:
- Testing wrapper for
System.Configuration.Install.Installer, class I found it very usefull when
I was debugging and testing installer. It provides parameters to installer
context from XML configuration file. Here
is source code.
- Simple view of XML DOM Document - tree view of document plus
textbox, which is showing text of currently selected node.
Here is source code.
- RegEx test. Just very simple form to test RegEx, persists input values
in XML. Here is source code.
- Http Poster - post file to given URL, http request is invoked
asynchronously, also it support custom connection through proxy (even to
local host, I have to create my own IWebProxy implementation, because
supplied web proxy class, does not allow proxy address to be on localhost).
Here is source code.